Our Mission

The essence of InspiCare Homes is to create an environment that promotes the highest level of dignity, privacy, respect, individuality and overall well being. We will deliver exceptional care to each resident by empowering them to reach the best optimal outcomes. With intentionality we strive to provide our clients with the support to ensure a healthy and meaningful life.

Welcome to the Virtual InspiCare Homes

InspiCare Homes offers an environment that not only serves the Mental Health community but also serves the family members of those within this community. InspiCare Homes prides itself on providing great quality service, living standards, and industry tactics to enhance quality of life.

InspiCare Homes provides a staff with over 20 years experience from all departments of Mental Health. InspiCare Homes prides itself in creating environment solutions customized for each resident individually to create advancement opportunities, supportive community, and growth.

All clients, patients, or residents will be provided access to upscale programs and services. Supervision staff will operate on-site 24 hours a day assisting with the daily needs of all residents not limited to safety, medication, coping skills, and on site day programs for residents that do not have the ability to leave the home setting. Other opportunities will be transportation to appointments, access to community programs off-site, etc. No matter the individual or circumstance, we are here to provide quality.

Services Provided:

Community Living Supported Living and Services Facility - A service entity which provides support and assistance to individuals with who live in their own homes or apartments but require such staff support and assistance to reside in such housing situations. Service entity staff provide support and assistance on a regular basis in accordance with the needs of the individual(s) living in the home. No more than four (3) persons receiving services shall reside in the home. The service entity delivering the support is licensed rather than the homes of the individuals receiving the support.

CHOICES Semi-Independent Living Facility - A facility program which services adult service recipients who are able to reside in a housing situation without program staff residing on site to supervise the service recipients' home life style but require the support services of program staff in order to reside in such housing situations. The facility program offers and provides regular and as needed support services in procuring or monitoring adequate housing for service recipients, supervising home life styles, and assisting in development of higher-order independent living skills. The entity licensed is the program delivering the services.

Mental Health Supportive Living Facility - Supportive living represents a movement within the mental health field to provide support services in regular housing to adults with disabilities. Direct support services can be provided by paid staff, a trained person hired as an attendant, a support worker or personal assistant, as well as more traditional agency and (modified) shift(live-in) staffing. Professionals, families, and other "informal supports" can also assist people to live in the homes. Supported living may be joined to a movement toward decent, affordable and accessible housing.